Content Guidelines
If you violate these guidelines Grandma may refuse to knit you a sweater! So listen up...
Naughty Sweaters: Just as I wouldn't want you wearing anything rude or inappropriate, these sweaters should be suitable for everyone. Keep them as wholesome as your family quilts.
Be Kind, No Meanness: We don't knit sweaters that are mean or hurtful towards others. Remember, if your knitting wouldn't bring a smile, maybe it's best left as just a ball of yarn.
Respect People's Privacy: Just like we close the curtains at night, we respect others' privacy in our knitting. Don't go making sweaters with someone's face on them unless they've given you a nod of approval.
No Copycat Patterns: Don't knit patterns that someone else has the rights to, like those fancy characters from the movies or TV.
No Scary or Violent Themes: Our sweaters should warm the heart, not chill the spine. So, no knitting images that could scare or upset someone.
Avoid Sensitive Topics: Some things are just too delicate to weave into a sweater. It's best to stick to cheerful and heartwarming themes that bring people together.